Camatkarasana: The Ultimate Pose for Strength, Balance, and Backbend

Wild Thing Pose Guide: Steps, Benefits, and Tips of Flip Dog

Camatkarasana Flip Dog Wild Thing Pose
English Name(s)
Flip Dog
Wild Thing Pose
camatkarasana / चमत्कारासन
camatkarasana : “the ecstatic”
Pose Type
Standing Yoga Poses


Camatkarasana or the Flip Dog Pose meticulously combines backbend and single-hand balance. Therefore, before practicing this asana or yoga pose, it is important to work on the strength of your arms and shoulders.

This pose energizes your spirit and mind. It also improves one’s self-confidence and is a great heart opener. The combined backbend and stretching effects of the Camatkarasana bring great joy to its practitioners and let their wild side shine. Hence this asana is also called the Wild Thing Pose.

According to various research based on Hatha Yoga indicates that Hatha Yoga is an ancient practice that has been found to promote overall well-being. Postures such as Wild Thing Pose or similar poses seem to help people feel better when they’re suffering from stress and anxiety. Because it helps them release tension throughout their body and helps to stretch and activate various muscles at the same time.

Muscle Focus

Wild thing pose focuses on several muscles such as

Ideal For Health Conditions

  • It aids tight external hip rotators.
  • Releases Adductors muscles.
  • Increases ROM (Range of Motion).
  • Makes our hip joint more healthy.

Benefits of Camatkarasana or wild thing Pose

Benefits of Camatkarasana wild thing Pose

1. Strengthen the Back Muscles with a Nice Extension

This Pose is very beneficial to strengthen the muscles located around the spine while at the same time it extends and relaxes the spine. Camatkarasana or wild thing pose has positive effects on the health of your spine as it helps to strengthen it by stretching out muscles around it. Camatkarasana or wild thing Pose also strengthens the shoulders and arms as they are supporting most of the body weight.

2. Open up the Hips with a Deep Stretch

This Yoga pose helps to open up tight hip flexors which can cause intense pain in other poses like Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana). Camatkarasana or wild thing Pose provides an intense stretch to one side of the body at a time, which is very beneficial for your health.

3. A Backbend that Stretches the Chest, Lungs, Shoulders, and Throat

Camatkarasana will benefit you by opening up your chest muscles while stretching them out. It opens up your lungs. Camatkarasana sticks out your throat which has a direct impact on the thyroid glands releasing more hormones from it. Camatkarasana or wild thing Pose also lengthens and stretches your shoulders muscles to improve the overall flexibility of your body.

4. It Improves Blood Circulation in the Lungs and Chest

Practicing this Pose not only opens up the chest muscles but also improves blood circulation in and around the lungs. Camatkarasana or wild thing Pose also improves the overall blood circulation in your body as it is a Yoga pose that requires you to be upside down. It helps flush out toxins from your system by improving digestion, which makes Camatkarasana very beneficial for people with constipation problems.

5. It can Give a Boost to Creativity and Confidence

Camatkarasana energizes the mind and increases its focus. Camatkarasana or wild thing Pose stretches and strengthens your back muscles which can help improve your posture over time that will make you feel more confident about yourself especially when it comes to meeting new people etc. Camatakarasa has been known to stimulate creative thinking within practitioners.

6. It Helps to Reduce Fatigue

Camatkarasana or wild thing Pose is a great way to reduce fatigue as it helps to stretch and open up the chest, hips, and spine. When these areas are opened up, it allows for better blood circulation throughout the body which in turn reduces fatigue.


When performing any backend poses, you must be careful. Camatkarasana is no different. This is why it is necessary that you take some precautionary measures when practicing this asana.

Firstly, if you have shoulder injuries, avoid this pose completely. If you are already suffering from an injury to the wrist, neck, shoulder, rotator cuff, elbows, or have carpal tunnel syndrome, back injury, etc., then also you should stay away from the Flip Dog Pose. Even if your injury is entirely healed, it is recommended that you consult your instructor first before trying out this asana.

This pose is also not suitable for heart patients or people who have undergone heart surgeries. People suffering from blood pressure should not practice this asana because in Camatkarasana the blood flows in the opposite direction.

The release of this yoga pose requires that a practitioner understands the concept of body weight perfectly. This makes it easier for them to control their body because lack of body control can lead to severe consequences.

Finally, individuals suffering from migraine should avoid the Wild Thing Pose as well because it can increase the pressure on their brain and can intensify migraine attacks.


  • Wild Thing Pose Knee to Floor Variation (Back Bend)
  • Wild Thing Pose Knee to Floor Variation (Lateral Bend)

Preparatory Pose

Beginner’s Tips

  • If you find it difficult to balance on one hand, try practicing Camatkarasana (Flip Dog or Wild Thing Pose) with both feet firmly planted on the ground.
  • When lifting your left arm up and over your head, make sure that you keep your fingers curled and pointed back as this will give you better balance and stability.
  • If you are just beginning with this Pose then Wild Thing Pose Knee to Floor Variation (Back/Lateral Bend) would be a great way to start.

How to do Wild Thing Pose

Step by Step Guide How to do Camatkarasana or Wild Thing pose:

Step 1 – Start in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog).

Step – Slowly transfer your weight onto your right hand and onto the outer part of your right foot as if you are performing the Vasisthasana (Side plank pose).

Step 2 – While breathing in, allow your hips to be lifted as if filled with buoyancy. Your right hand should stay strong with the fingers making a claw. The head of the bone of the right arm should be kept back.

Step 3 – While breathing out, move your left foot back and place it on its toes on the ground behind you with a bent knee slightly touching or hovering above but not resting on any surface. At this point make sure that your upper back is curled.

Step 4 – Lift your left hand up, over your head, and backward in a smooth movement while breathing out. Make sure that the fingers are extended outwards and towards the back of your head; curl them as if being pulled by an imaginary string to form a claw, with all five fingers pointing backward. This will make it easier for you to balance on one side of the body, which is essential for Camatkarasana (Flip Dog or Wild Thing Pose).

Step 5 – Balance on this pose for about 30 seconds to one minute before lowering down onto your hip again with another exhalation. Repeat Camatkarasana (Flip Dog or Wild Thing Pose) twice more before returning from Side Plank Pose to Downward-Facing Dog Pose and then resting in Child’s Pose. Camatkarasana (Flip Dog or Wild Thing Pose) can be repeated four times on each side.

Note: Camatkarasana is not recommended for people with any neck, shoulder, or wrist injuries that may get aggravated by this.

Mental Benefits of Wild Thing Pose

  • Stimulate your mind and increase focus.
  • Makes you more fearless.
  • improve self-confidence.
  • Opens up the heart center which allows for greater amounts of love, peace, and acceptance.
  • Stimulates creative thinking

The Bottom Line

So go ahead and try Camatkarasana or Wild Thing Pose today! Not only will it energize your body but it will also open your heart and mind to new possibilities. Remember to always listen to your body when practicing any Yoga pose and if something feels wrong then stop immediately.

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siddhi yoga chakra certification
Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.
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