
Master 81 Beginner-Friendly Yoga Poses with Photos

Your Complete Guide to Starting Yoga


The first and foremost benefit of practicing yoga is having a life where mind, body and soul are at unity. And if you are a beginner, it can feel overwhelming with so many poses and practices to choose from. 

But don’t let that scare you – every yogi was once a beginner. This is your guide, by Team Siddhi Yoga, carefully selected to introduce you to 81 yoga poses that will strengthen your body and calm your mind and balance your inner self. 

Whether you want to increase flexibility, build strength or just take a moment in a busy day to breathe, these poses are the place to start. 

So roll out your mat, take a deep breath and step into this practice that will benefit every area of your life. Here are the yoga asanas, along with their categories, that an absolute beginner can perform:

1.Standing Yoga Poses

Standing yoga poses help build strength, balance, and flexibility. They ground you, improve posture, and are great for beginners learning to connect with their body.

1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana or Mountain Pose is the base of all standing poses. It improves posture, balance and mindfulness. Regular practice of this pose improves body alignment and height.

  • Ideal for: Beginners, seniors, children and those with posture issues.
  • Benefits: Improves posture, balance and body alignment.

2. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatasana or Chair Pose is a strong squat-like pose that strengthens the legs, core and spine.

  • Ideal for: Those who want to build leg and glute strength.
  • Benefits: Improves ankle flexibility, core stability and overall body strength.

3. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior ll)

Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II or Warrior II is a strong stance that builds lower body strength and focus.

  • Ideal for: Those who want to build lower body strength and improve posture.
  • Benefits: Helps with conditions like sciatica and flat feet.

4. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, is a standing pose that strengthens the arms, legs and back and stretches the hips and hamstrings.

  • Ideal for: Those who want to reduce stress and improve digestion.
  • Benefits: Increases flexibility in the hips and hamstrings.

5. Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Pose)


Parsvakonasana or Side Angle Pose is a lateral stretch that improves strength and flexibility in the hips, shoulders and thighs.

  • Ideal for: Those who want to improve hip, shoulder and thigh flexibility.
  • Benefits: Opens the chest and improves lung capacity.

6. Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)

Utkata Konasana

Utkata Konasana or Goddess Pose is a wide squat that strengthens the legs and tones the core and promotes stability.

  • Ideal for: All levels, improves flexibility and stimulates blood flow to the lower body.
  • Benefits: Activates the root chakra, and gives a sense of  grounding.

7. Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose)

virabhadrasana i

Virabhadrasana I or Warrior I Pose is a foundational pose that builds leg and core strength.

  • Ideal for: Those who want to build leg and core strength.
  • Benefits: Stretches the hips and chest, and supports flexibility and openness..

8. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

hasta uttanasana

Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arms Pose is a standing backbend that stretches the whole body, especially the abdomen, thighs and shoulders.

  • Ideal for: All levels, including beginners and pregnant women with modifications in the pose.
  • Benefits: Improves respiratory function and spine strength.

9. Tadasana Akarna Dhanurasana (Standing Archer Pose)

tadasana akarna dhanurasana vinyasa

Tadasana Akarna Dhanurasana or Standing Archer Pose is a blend of Tadasana, Akarna Dhanurasana and Vinyasa.

  • Ideal for: Those who want to focus on flexibility, balance and spiritual growth.
  • Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings and improves posture, and overall body coordination.

10. Skandasana (Half Squat Pose)


Skandasana or Half Squat Pose is a deep side lunge that stretches the hips, hamstrings and groins.

  • Ideal for: Those who want to increase hip flexibility and strengthen the legs.
  • Benefits: Improves balance and strengthens the lower body.

11. Pranam Sthiti (Yogasana Namaskara Greeting and Prayer Pose)

pranam sthiti

Pranam Sthiti or Greeting and Prayer Pose symbolizes respect, humility and self reflection.

  • Ideal for: Everyone including beginners and pregnant women.
  • Benefits: Calms the mind, relieves stress and opens the heart center (Anahata chakra).

12. Ashta Chandrasana (High Lunge Pose)

High Lunge Pose

High Lunge Pose or Ashta Chandrasana tones the hips, thighs and core. Engaging the core and deep breathing is required to maintain stability and balance.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve balance and flexibility.
  • Benefits: Energizes the body and overall posture.

13.Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)

Tiryaka Tadasana or Swaying Palm Tree Pose

Tiryaka Tadasana or Swaying Palm Tree Pose requires standing and stretching side to side, to improve flexibility and blood circulation.

  • Ideal for: Those aiming to have overall flexibility.
  • Benefits: Calms the nervous system and improves digestion and posture.

14. Kati Chakrasana (Standing Spinal Twist)

Kati Chakrasana (standing Spinal Twist)

Kati Chakrasana or Standing Spinal Twist improves flexibility and strengthens abdominal organs.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with mild lower back pain.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and posture.

15. Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute Pose)

Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute Pose)

Urdhva Hastasana or Upward Salute Pose stretches the whole body and opens the chest.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve posture.
  • Benefits: Improves balance and energizes.

16 Eka Pada Indudalasana (One-Legged Standing Crescent Pose)

eka pada indudalasana

Eka Pada Indudalasana or One-Legged Standing Crescent Pose stretches the thighs, groins and abdomen.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve balance.
  • Benefits: Provides flexibility and strength.

2.Seated Yoga Poses

Seated yoga poses focus on flexibility and calmness. They stretch your body, improve posture, and are perfect for grounding and finding inner peace while sitting.

17. Anjaneyasana (Crescent Low Lunge Pose)

Anjaneyasana (Crescent Low Lunge Pose)

Anjaneyasana or Crescent Low Lunge Pose stretches the hips, glutes and hamstrings and builds leg and core strength.

  • Ideal for: Practitioners of all levels.
  • Benefits: Opens the chest and improves balance.

18. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Ashwa Sanchalanasana or Equestrian Pose is part of the Sun Salutation sequence and combines strength, balance and flexibility.

  • Ideal for: All levels of practitioners who want to strengthen leg muscles and deepen the hips and groins.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and prepares the body for advanced yoga poses.

19. Parighasana (Gate Pose)


Parighasana or Gate Pose stretches and opens the sides of the body, improves flexibility and mobility in the spine and hips.

  • Ideal for: Most people, though modifications may be needed for specific conditions.
  • Benefits: Improves balance, posture and breath control.

20. Virasana (Hero Pose)


Virasana or Hero Pose is a kneeling pose used for meditation. It gives deep stretch to the thighs, knees and hips.

  • Ideal for: Those with good flexibility in the knees, hips and ankles.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and circulation and lower body flexibility.

21. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)


Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose is a foundational pose that is easy to do. It offers a firm and stable base for meditation and yoga practices. This is the only yogasana that can be performed after having a meal.

  • Ideal for: Healthy people, pregnant women (with modifications), and those with digestive issues.
  • Benefits: Aids digestion, improves concentration and reduces stress.

22. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)


Sukhasana or Easy Pose is a simple cross legged sitting pose used for meditation and pranayama.

  • Ideal for: Those with good hip and knee flexibility.
  • Benefits: Improves posture, concentration and relaxation.

23. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)


Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose stretches the shoulders, triceps, chest and hips.

  • Ideal for: Practitioners focusing on shoulder and hip flexibility.
  • Benefits: Opens the chest, aids digestion and strengthens various muscles.

24. Malasana (Garland Pose)


Malasana or Garland Pose is a deep squat that opens the hips, groins and inner thighs.

  • Ideal for: Those with good hip and ankle flexibility.
  • Benefits: Prepares the pelvic region for childbirth and strengthens the lower back.

25.Bharmanasana (Table Top Pose)


Bharmanasana or Table Top Pose is a foundational pose and stretches and balances the muscles from head to toe.

  • Ideal for: Beginners of all age groups.
  • Benefits: Improves flexibility and strengthens the core.

26. Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)


Marjaryasana or Cat Pose involves arching the back up, improves flexibility and reduces stress.

  • Ideal for: All ages and fitness levels.
  • Benefits: Improves posture and aids digestion.

27.Bitilasana (Cow Pose)


Bitilasana or Cow Pose is a back stretch that improves flexibility and helps deep, relaxed breathing.

  • Ideal for: Beginners of all age groups.
  • Benefits: Improves back flexibility and calms the mind.

28. Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose)


Uttana Shishosana or Extended Puppy Pose is a gentle stretch. It targets the spine, shoulders and upper back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners and those with shoulder or back pain.
  • Benefits: Helps relieve tension, improves posture, and promotes relaxation.

29. Dandasana (Staff Pose)


Dandasana or Staff Pose is a simple seated pose that improves posture and strengthens the back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners, those with sedentary jobs and pregnant women..
  • Benefits: Improves balance, concentration and spinal support.

30. Mandukasana (Frog Pose)


Mandukasana or Frog Pose stretches the hips and thighs, helps digestion and reduces belly fat.

  • Ideal for: Beginners, seniors and those with digestive issues or diabetes.
  • Benefits: Relieves pain in ankles, knees and back.

31. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Baddha Konasana

Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose stretches the inner hips, groin and thighs. This yoga asana provides relaxation and boosts emotional balance.

  • Ideal for: All ages (requires deep breathing to improve focus).
  • Benefits: Tones the pelvic floor and improves flexibility and digestion.

32. Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose)

Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose)

Vyaghrasana or Tiger Pose tones the abdomen, hips and thighs.It is advised to use props if needed to support the practice and prevent any strain.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve shoulder and spinal flexibility.
  • Benefits: Relieves lower back pain and improves digestion.

33. Chakki Chalanasana (Mill Churning Pose)


Chakki Chalanasana or Mill Churning Pose stretches and tones the arms and shoulders. It also increases blood flow.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve hip opening and flexibility.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and circulation.

34. Agnistambhasana (Fire Log Pose)

Agnistambhasana or Fire Log Pose

Agnistambhasana or Fire Log Pose is stacking one leg over the other while seated. It is advised to use a cushion or blanket under your hips for added support if needed. 

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve flexibility.
  • Benefits: Improves blood flow and prepares the mind for meditation.

35. Gomarjariyasana (Cat & Cow Pose)

gomarjariyasana cat cow pose

Gomarjariyasana or Cat & Cow Pose requires arching and rounding the back in a flowing sequence.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to relieve stress and improve digestion.
  • Benefits: Provides flexibility and strengthens spine.

36. Bhadrasana (Gracious Pose)


Bhadrasana or Bound Angle Pose or Butterfly Pose is sitting with feet together and knees apart.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve hip flexibility.
  • Benefits: Opens hips, thighs and knees and calms the mind.

3. Balancing Yoga Poses

Balancing yoga poses strengthen your core and improve focus. They help you find stability and calm, making you feel centered both physically and mentally.

37. Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

Vrksasana or Tree Pose is a balancing pose that brings stability and focus. It strengthens the legs and clears the mind.

  • Ideal for: Those who want better balance and leg strength.
  • Benefits: Improves hip flexibility and reduces stress.

38.  Natarajasana (Dancer Pose)


Natarajasana, or Dancer Pose, is a balancing pose that improves flexibility in the shoulders, chest and thighs.

  • Ideal for: Practitioners with good flexibility and balance.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion, posture and self-confidence.

4.Prone Yoga Poses

39. Ashtanga Namaskarasana (Eight-Limbed Pose)


Ashtanga Namaskarasana or Eight-Limbed Pose involves touching the floor with eight points of your body: chin, chest, hands, knees, and toes.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to strengthen upper body and core.
  • Benefits: Improves focus, concentration and self awareness.

40. Salabhasana (Locust Pose)


Salabhasana or Locust Pose strengthens the back, buttocks and shoulders. It also improves flexibility and digestion.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to improve flexibility and strengthen the back.
  • Benefits: Helps digestion and reduces stiffness in the upper back.

41. Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dolphin Plank Pose)

makara adho mukha svanasana

Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana or Dolphin Plank Pose tones the core, shoulders and arms.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve balance and endurance.
  • Benefits: Improves flexibility and strengthens legs and back.

42. Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose)

Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose)

Salamba Bhujangasana or Sphinx Pose is a gentle backbend that opens the chest. Breathe deeply for improved relaxation and digestion.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with mild back pain.
  • Benefits: Improves posture and offers stress relief.

43.Ardha Bhekasana (Half Frog Pose)

Ardha Bhekasana

Ardha Bhekasana or Half Frog Pose is a hip stretch that opens the chest and boosts flexibility in the back, hips, and thighs..

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve flexibility.
  • Benefits: Betters digestion and reduces belly fat.

5.Back Bending Yoga Poses

Back-bending yoga poses open your chest, stretch your spine, and boost flexibility. They help improve posture, energize you, and release tension from the back and shoulders.

44. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)


Matsyasana or Fish Pose is a simple backbend that calms the mind and relieves stress.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with mild back pain.
  • Benefits: Improves posture and relaxes.

45. Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose strengthens the back and core muscles.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to strengthen and stretch the back.
  • Benefits: Improves blood circulation and relaxes.

46. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a gentle backbend yoga asana. It strengthens the spine and abdomen.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with mild back pain.
  • Benefits: Improves flexibility and tones the lower belly.

47. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Dhanurasana or Bow

Dhanurasana or Bow Pose is also a backbend yoga pose. It strengthens the whole body, especially the back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with sedentary jobs.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and tones the abdominal muscles.

48. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Ustrasana Camel Pose

Ustrasana or Camel Pose involves arching the back, stretching the chest and abdomen.

  • Ideal for: Those looking to improve flexibility.
  • Benefits: Stimulates digestion and thyroid function.

6.Inversion Yoga Poses

Inversion yoga poses flip your body upside down, like headstands or shoulder stands. They improve circulation, boost energy, and challenge your balance, offering a fresh perspective.

49. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog strengthens and stretches the arms, legs and back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to improve overall flexibility and posture.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and overall flexibility.

50. Viparita Karani Asana (Legs Up the Wall Pose)

Viparita Karani Asana (Legs up the Wall Pose)

Viparita Karani or Legs Up the Wall Pose involves lying on your back with your legs straight against a wall. It improves circulation and reduces stress.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with stress, anxiety or sleep issues.
  • Benefits: Promotes sleep and improves circulation.

7.Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Arm balance yoga poses strengthen your arms and core while improving focus. They challenge your balance, build confidence, and make you feel strong and steady on your hands.

51. Phalakasana (Plank Pose)


Phalakasana or Plank Pose strengthens the core, shoulders, arms and back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to improve balance and core strength.
  • Benefits: Strengthens lower back and prepares the body for advanced arm balances.

8.Twisting Yoga Poses

Twisting yoga poses gently rotate your spine, helping to release tension and improve flexibility. They aid digestion, detoxify the body, and leave you feeling refreshed.

52. Urdhva Mukha Pasasana (Thread the Needle Pose)


Urdhva Mukha Pasasana or Thread the Needle Pose is a gentle twist yoga pose. It stretches the shoulders, neck, chest and back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to improve posture and flexibility.
  • Benefits: Relieves tension in the upper body.

53. Vakrasana (Twisted Pose)


Vakrasana or Half Spinal Twist Pose improves back flexibility. This pose tones the spinal nerves, reduces stiffness, and helps in managing lower abdomen fat and diabetes.

  • Ideal for: Beginners (with guidance) with sedentary jobs.
  • Benefits: Improves spinal flexibility, improves posture and relieves tension.

54. Bharadvajasana (Torso Stretch Pose)


Bharadvajasana or Torso Stretch Pose strengthens the spine and releases shoulder tension.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with mild digestive issues or back pain.
  • Benefits: Improves spinal mobility and posture.

55. Parivrtta Supta Padangusthasana (Revolved Reclined Big Toe Pose)

Parivrtta Supta Padangusthasana

Parivrtta Supta Padangusthasana involves lying on your back, extending one leg up and twisting it across your body.

  • Ideal for: Practitioners of Intermediate and advanced level, and beginners with modifications and guidance.
  • Benefits: Improves flexibility and core strength.

56. Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist Yoga Pose)

Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist Yoga Pose)

Supta Matsyendrasana or Supine Spinal Twist involves twisting the spine while lying on your back. It relieves lower back pain, improves digestion, and helps in relaxation and better sleep.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to improve sleep (if done before bedtime).
  • Benefits: Reduces lower back pain and prepares for backbends.

57. Supta Parivrtta Garudasana (Reclining Eagle Spinal Twist Pose)

Supta Parivrtta Garudasana or Reclining Eagle Spinal Twist involves twisting and stretching the spine. It helps in digestion by energizing the abdominal organs. 

  • Ideal for: Beginners with mild back pain.
  • Benefits: Improves overall flexibility and detoxifies the body.

58. Udarakarshanasana (Reclining Abdominal Twist Pose)

Udarakarshanasana or Reclining Abdominal Twist Pose

Udarakarshanasana is a reclining twist that stretches the abdominal muscles, detoxifies the body and improves digestion. It also stretches the ankles, knees, and toes, to promote flexibility.

  • Ideal for: Those with strong core muscles.
  • Benefits: Provides extremely beneficial results,like detoxifying the body and strengthening  the abdominals. If done after kapalbhati pranayama.

59. Jathara Parivartanasana (Revolved Abdomen Twist Pose)

jathara parivartanasana a and b

Jathara Parivartanasana involves a deep twist of the abdomen, hips and lower back. It is recommended to use props and focus on alignment to avoid strain and have comfort.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking for a cooling pose after backbends and deep hip openers.
  • Benefits: Reduces stress and improves digestion and spinal flexibility.

9.Hip Opening Yoga Poses

Hip-opening yoga poses stretch and loosen tight hips, improving flexibility and easing tension. They help you feel more relaxed, balanced, and comfortable in your body.

60. Hindolasana (Cradle Pose)


Hindolasana or Cradle Pose is a gentle and seated pose that opens the hips. It prepares the body for advanced asanas like Lotus Pose.

  • Ideal for: Those looking to stretch and strengthen lower body muscles.
  • Benefits: Stimulates the pelvic floor and enhances focus.

61. Supta Padangusthasana B (Reclining Big Toe Pose B)

Supta Padangusthasana B involves lying on your back, extending one leg up and stretching it outward.

  • Ideal for: Practitioners of intermediate and advanced level, and beginners with flexibility (under guidance).
  • Benefits: Improves flexibility in the hamstrings, inner thighs and calves.

62. Sucirandhrasana (Reverse Pigeon Pose)


Sucirandhrasana or Reverse Pigeon Pose involves lying on your back and crossing one leg over the other.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to open the hips and relieve stress.
  • Benefits: Reduces lower back pain and flexibility.

63. Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)

Ananda Balasana Happy Baby Pose

Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby Pose involves lying on your back, holding your feet and gently rocking.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to relieve tension and flexibility.
  • Benefits: Relaxes and improves digestion.

64. Baddha Konasana B (Bound Angle Pose B)

Baddha Konasana B: Enhanced Butterfly Pose

Baddha Konasana B or Bound Angle Pose B is a deep hip opener that stretches the inner thighs, groin and lower back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve hip flexibility.
  • Benefits: Calms the mind and provides emotional balance.

10.Relaxing Yoga Poses

Relaxing yoga poses calm your mind and body, helping you unwind and release stress. They’re perfect for recharging and finding peace at the end of your day.

65. Balasana (Child Pose)


Balasana or Child Pose is a resting pose that relaxes the body and calms the mind.

  • Ideal for: All age groups, seniors and pregnant women.
  • Benefits: Relieves stress and helps digestion.

66. Salamba Bharadvajasana (Supported Sage Bharadvaja Pose)


Salamba Bharadvajasana or Supported Sage Bharadvaja Pose uses props to support the spine and flexibility. It improves digestion, relieves mild back pain, and improves balance and concentration.

  • Ideal for: Beginners with less flexibility.
  • Benefits: Gentle relief for the spine and improves posture.

67. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

Makarasana or Crocodile Pose is a relaxing pose that calms the mind and body. This asana is great for removing back tension.

  • Ideal for: All ages and fitness levels; use props if needed for added comfort.
  • Benefits: Soothes the back and recharges the nervous system.

68. Parsva Savasana (Side Lying Corpse Pose)

Parsva Savasana Side Stretching Release

Parsva Savasana or Side-Lying Corpse Pose is done after Savasana. It relaxes the body and mind, and can be made more comfortable with props like cushions. .

  • Ideal for: Pregnant women, beginners, and those who find Savasana challenging.
  • Benefits: Lying on the right side can lower blood pressure, while the left side improves digestion.

69. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Savasana Corpse

Savasana or Corpse Pose is a relaxation pose that relaxes the body and mind. It’s ideal for cooling down after a yoga session, and helps you recharge yourself.

  • Ideal for: Beginners, pregnant women and everyone who needs relaxation.
  • Benefits: Reduces stress, anxiety and blood pressure.

11.Supine Yoga Poses

Supine yoga poses are done lying on your back. They gently stretch and relax your body, making them perfect for winding down and improving flexibility.

70. Ardha Pawanmuktasana (Half Wind Release Pose)


Ardha Pawanmuktasana or Half Wind Release Pose stimulates the abdomen and digestive organs and stretches the lower back.

  • Ideal for: Beginners, kids and seniors.
  • Benefits: Aids in digestion, reduces stress and tones the arms and legs.

71. Pawanmuktasana (Wind Release Pose)


Pawanmuktasana or Wind Release Pose is a simple pose that releases gas and eases digestion.

  • Ideal for: All age groups, kids and elders.
  • Benefits: Relieves gas, bloating and lower back tension.

72. Supta Padangusthasana A (Reclining Big Toe Pose A)

Supta Padangusthasana A

Supta Padangusthasana A involves lying on your back and holding one foot while extending the leg upwards.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to improve flexibility and posture.
  • Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings and reduces back pain.

73. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Baddha Konasana

Supta Baddha Konasana involves lying on your back with your feet together and knees out to the sides.

  • Ideal for: Beginners and pregnant women.
  • Benefits: Calms the body and mind, improves hip flexibility.

74. Supta Utthita Tadasana (Lying Full Body Stretch Pose)

Supta Utthita Tadasana

Supta Utthita Tadasana or Lying Full Body Stretch Pose stretches and corrects the posture, while requiring lying down with arms and legs extended.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve flexibility.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and posture.

75. Eka Pada Uttana Padasana (One Raised Leg Pose)

Eka Pada Uttana Padasana or One Raised Leg Pose

Eka Pada Uttana Padasana or One Raised Leg Pose stretches the leg and abdominal muscles.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to relieve lower back pain.
  • Benefits: Improves focus and flexibility.

76. Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)

Ardha Halasana or Half Plough Pose is a beginner-friendly variation of Halasana. It tones the core, thighs and calves.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to improve digestion.
  • Benefits: Provides relaxation and improves digestion.

77. Jhulana Lurhakanasana (Rocking and Rolling Pose)

Jhulana Lurhakanasana (Rocking and Rolling pose)

Jhulana Lurhakanasana or Rocking and Rolling Pose is gently rocking back and forth. It’s a simple, soothing pose that relaxes the body.

  • Ideal for: Beginners who want to release stress and tension.
  • Benefits: Boosts blood flow and digestion.

12.Forward Bending Yoga Poses

Forward-bending yoga poses involve reaching toward your toes, stretching your back and hamstrings. They help release tension, improve flexibility, and calm your mind.

78. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose)

Uttanasana or Standing Forward Fold Pose is bending forward with feet together, deep stretch for the hamstrings and spine.

  • Ideal for: Those with flexible hamstrings.
  • Benefits: Relieves stress, anxiety and tension in the back and neck.

79. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose)


Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose stretches the hamstrings, inner thighs and groins.

  • Ideal for: Those with good flexibility in the hamstrings and hips.
  • Benefits: Improves digestion and relaxes the body.

80. Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)


Janu Sirsasana or Head-to-Knee Pose stretches the body, helps digestion and reduces stress.

  • Ideal for: Beginners and those with digestive issues or back pain.
  • Benefits: Eases joint stiffness and relaxes.

81. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)


Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose is a deep stretch for the back and hamstrings.

  • Ideal for: Beginners looking to improve back and leg flexibility.
  • Benefits: Reduces stress and boosts metabolism.

To Wrap Up

As you finish this guide, you have taken the first step on a path to physical and mental transformation. These 81 yoga poses for beginners are more than just exercises – they are gateways to discover your inner strength, resilience and peace. 

Each pose invites you to explore the limits of your body and mind, growth with every stretch and breath. 

Remember yoga is a journey not a destination. The progress you make today is the foundation for tomorrow’s practice. 

Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.
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