Jhulana Lurhakanasana: Enhance Flexibility and Core Strength

Common Mistakes and Benefits of Rocking and Rolling Pose

Jhulana Lurhakanasana Rolling pose
English Name(s)
Rocking and Rolling Pose
झ्हुलन लुर्हकनसनJhulana Lurhakanasana
Jhoo-lah-nah- Loor-hah-kah-nah – ah-sah-nah
Jhoolna: Rock and Swing
Lurhakana: Roll
Asana: Pose
Pose Type
Supine, squat stretch.

Jhulana Lurhakanasana at a Glance

Jhulana Lurhakanasana is also known as Rocking and Rolling and as its name, is a fun asana with relaxing and calming output. This asana is part of the Pawan muktasana part 2 series and was introduced by the Bihar School of Yoga, founded by Sivananda Saraswati. This is the simple movement of the spine and can be included in the flow of yoga sequences.


  • This helps to warm up and relax your body for many yoga poses.
  • The rock and roll movement help to stimulate the blood and better circulation.
  • This massages your internal organs, which helps with your digestive system.
  • This pose helps release stress, tension, and gas from your joints.
  • This helps to relax your nervous system and improves your sleep quality.

Who can do it?

Beginners can do this pose. Kids and senior citizens can also do this. Any level of yoga practitioners can do this pose. Individuals having stress and tension can attempt this pose. This could be done as a relaxing pose by the yoga practitioners, and athletes.

Who should not do it?

This may seem to be a very easy pose but if you have any injuries with your back, neck, hip, and abdomen, should avoid this pose. People with recent surgeries and pregnant women should avoid this pose. People with high blood pressure should avoid this pose.

How to Do Jhulana Lurhakanasana?

Follow the Step-by-Step Instructions

Be mindful while doing this pose and avoid if you have any serious back issues. Coordinate this pose with the breath in a rhythm and enjoy the rocking and rolling yoga pose.

  • First, lie down on the yoga mat, relax your body inhale fold both knees with an exhale, and hug your shin with both arms.
  • Now press your knees toward your chest, take a deep breath lift your feet off the mat, and tuck your chin to the chest now roll backward toward your shoulders and then roll back toward to legs with an inhale.
  • Keep this movement (rolling back to your shoulders and coming back to your feet) for a few breaths relax and start with the second stage of roll and swing.
  • The same way hugs your knees, lifting your feet off the mat and head off the floor.
  • Now exhale and roll to your left, wherein your left arm and left side of the thigh touch the mat and your right leg is on the top of the left.
  • Gaze at your left shoulder.
  • Inhale and roll on to your right, now your right arm and right outer thigh (leg) touch the mat and your left leg is stacked on the right.
  • Gaze at your right shoulder.
  • Keep this rolling motion (side to side) with your breath for a few seconds this is called Jhulana Lurhakanasana.
  • When you are ready to release, come to the center bring your head back to the mat, and place your foot on the ground. Release your legs and arms relax and let go you’re the stress and tension in your mind and body.

What are the Benefits of Jhulana Lurhakanasana?

Benefits of Jhulana Lurhakanasana
  • It helps to warm up your back, hips, shoulders, and entire body.
  • It helps to relieve your stress and anxiety.
  • This can help with mild back pain and reduce extra fat in your waist region.
  • This can be helpful during your menstrual cycle.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Jhulana Lurhakanasana

  • This pose helps to strengthen & improve the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  • It can help to fix the disorders in the male or female reproductive system.
  • It helps to remove the energy blockages in your abdomen.
  • This can help improve your sleep cycle.

Safety and Precautions

  • If severe back issues should be avoided.
  • The head should be off the mat.
  • Do this pose on an empty stomach.
  • Never do it on a hard surface as it may hurt you.

Common Mistakes

  • Avoid keeping your head on the ground.
  • Keep your feet off the mat.
  • Avoid doing it after a meal.
  • Ignoring your body sensations.

Tips for Jhulana Lurhakanasana

  • Do it on a yoga mat of a soft surface.
  • Do it early in the morning.
  • Keep a folded blanket under your shoulder.
  • Keep your breath flowing.
  • Engage your core.

The Physical Alignment Principles for Jhulana Lurhakanasana

  • The middle portion of the back is on the mat.
  • Both knees bent (right knee and left knee) and bring them to the chest.
  • Keep your feet relaxed soles of the feet facing slightly upward.
  • Hands wrapped around the shin or the knee,
  • Head and feet lifted off the ground and chin tucked to the chest.
  • Be aware of your breath and keep breathing.
  • When you hug, put some pressure.
  • Core engaged.
  • Gaze to the sides and front and up, depending upon the movement.
  • Hold for 5 to 6 breaths.

Jhulana Lurhakanasana and Breath

Coordinate your breath with the movement of the Rock and roll. While you inhale bring knees toward your chest with gentle pressure on the abdomen. Now you exhale and hug your knees. Be mindful about your breath and the sensations in your body. Keep your rock and roll with the breath rhythm, for a few breaths feel the calmness of the pose and let go of the stress and tension.

Jhulana Lurhakanasana and Variations

The Bottom Line

Rocking and Rolling yoga pose in simple words refers to the movement of the spine. It even has variations for the beginners. For any health concern consult your health care professional. Regular practice can help you to relieve your back pain and release tension from your body and mind. By improving your digestion process it improves your overall wellbeing and let go of your negative emotions.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.
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