
Marichyasana D or Marichi’s Pose D

English Name(s)
Marichi’s Pose D
मरीच्यासन ४/ Marichyasana D /
Mar-ee-CHAH-suh-nuh D
Marichi: Ray of light
Asana: Pose
D: 4th Variation
Pose Type

Marichyasana D at a Glance

Marichyasana D: Marichyasana D is the 4th variation of the Marichyasana pose, is the combination of Marichyasana C and B combining the twist pose and the leg pose. This is one of the most complex twisting postures and requires a great deal of hip, knee, shoulder, and back flexibility. It forms part of the primary series in Ashtanga yoga, where the first four variations of Marichyasana A, B, C, and D are performed in sequence.


  • It helps with detoxification of the digestive system and boosts the digestion process.
  • It can help to relieve the tension in your neck and shoulders.
  • It can also help relieve your back pain and is a good hip opener.
  • It helps to strengthen the core muscles.

Who can do it?

Marichyasana D is called core pose or gate pose in the primary series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. So, this is known to be a challenging pose and needs a great flexibility level. People already into intermediate or advanced-level yoga can do this asana. Individuals with good flexibility in their shoulders and hips and strong back can do this asana. Beginners already doing asanas, can do this pose under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

Who should not do it?

People with back pain, hip injuries, and issues with flexibility should avoid doing it. People having knee issues should avoid doing it or consult their health care provider. Pregnant women should avoid doing it as this is a deep twist. Individuals with high blood pressure should avoid doing this pose.

How to Do Marichyasana D?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure

In Marichi Pose D, Baddha Hasta, or binding of the hands, needs the full engagement of your shoulders and core muscles.

  1. Sit down in the staff pose, with your legs straight in the staff.
  2. Let your spine be straight and keep your core engaged.
  3. Breathe in and exhale, and start bending your left knee. Get your left heel onto your right thigh, near the hip crease, and this is half lotus pose. (If you can’t keep the leg in half lotus position you can place your right foot on the floor near the left thigh of the bent leg).
  4. Now bend your right leg and bring the right foot close to the right hip (sit bones). Your knees should be facing upward, and your left foot should be pressing the ground.
  5. Breathe in and while you exhale, extend your left hand up, lengthening your back, bring your armpit near your right knee, and bring your body forward.
  6. Inhale and exhale to Twist your upper body (torso) to the right, and bring your left elbow to the outside of your right knee. Keep your right hand behind you, palms on the floor, fingers spread for support.
  7. Now bring your right hand to bind at the back; with the left hand, hold the fingers or the wrist from the back, or you can use the yoga belt.
  8. Join your hands together, be steady, keep breathing, and sit straight.
  9. Now exhale and fold forward. Hands are at your back, and your spine is straight.
  10. Inhale, look up and open up the chest and shoulders.
  11. Again, exhale, twist your upper back, and look over your right shoulder.
  12. Take deep breaths. Hold the pose for five breaths.
  13. Slowly inhale and release the posture, unlock your hands, unwind the twist, release the right leg and left leg, and come back to the Dandasana.
  14. Relax for a moment, and to balance your body equally, you should do it on the other side. Get your right heel onto your left thigh, bend the left knee and bring the left foot in front of the right sitting bone.

What are the Benefits of Marichyasana D?

Marichyasana D is a wonderful pose to find imbalances between the left and right and to help you understand your body.

  • Improves your coordination of breath and body, getting the body to work in many directions simultaneously.
  • This also helps to Prepare the body for the other Marichi postures.
  • The Marichyasana D pose helps to release the tension from the hips and Sacroiliac joint and also increases the mobility of your shoulders.
  • It prepares the body for deep, hip-opening poses.
  • This pose deeply stretches and opens the spine, hips, shoulders, and ankles, which helps increase the flexibility of these joints.
  • It helps stimulate the reproductive system. This pose can boost its function and help women during their menstrual cycle.
  • Marichyasana D helps to boost the efficiency of the respiratory system.
  • The twisting action of this pose massages the abdominal organs, which helps better digestion and keeps you from constipation.
  • It improves blood circulation to the reproductive organs. This is important for women who want to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles.
  • The position of the lower body intensely stretches the muscles and opens up the hip joints.
  • It increases your self-awareness and enhances your focus and concentration level.
  • You could think of this as a double bind, first, the Marichyasana leg binds the lotus foot, and then the arms bind the Marichyasana leg.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Marichyasana D

  • This pose can help reduce back pain and improve spinal flexibility.
  • The twisting of the spine and abdominal muscles will help with the detoxification of the digestive system, too. Helps to relieve constipation and improve digestion.
  • It can be helpful to people with tight hips, which increases flexibility with regular practice.
  • It helps to enhance the spinal alignment and improve your posture.
  • It can help to reduce mild stress and anxiety and improve your mental clarity.

Safety and Precautions

  • If you are doing this pose for the first time, better get guidance from yoga teachers.
  • If you are pregnant, avoid doing this pose.
  • If you have a lipped/herniated disc and sciatica, avoid this pose.
  • If you have had any recent surgeries in wrists, elbows, knees, hip joints, or the spine, you must avoid practicing this pose.
  • If you have shoulder injuries, don’t bind your hands back or other variations.
  • The spinal twist should happen from the thoracic spine (upper back) and not the lumbar spine (lower back) to avoid injuries.

Common Mistakes

  • Doing this pose without any warm-up or preparatory pose is a big mistake.
  • The spinal twist should happen from the thoracic spine (upper back) and not the lumbar spine (lower back) to avoid any injuries
  • Don’t strain to bind your hands back if you lack flexibility. Use yoga belts to support.
  • Avoid holding your breath, let it flow.
  • If you have any injuries or physical limitations, go for the modification under the guidance of your yoga teacher.

Tips for Marichyasana D

  • Warm-up exercises and preparatory poses are a must.
  • As you twist, keep the head on top of the shoulder.
  • Use props if you can’t bind your hands at the back.
  • Keep grounded with the lotus leg.
  • Remember to breathe continuously.
  • Practice regularly to get over the pose gradually, and don’t force your body.

The Physical Alignment Principles for Marichyasana D

  • Sit in staff pose.
  • The bent knee should be as close as possible to the buttocks.
  • Keep grounded through the lotus leg, which is on the thigh of the opposite leg.
  • The foot should be tucked on the top of the thigh.
  • The left hip stays on the ground.
  • Tension in the hip joint, which reduces the external rotation needed for half-lotus, can put pressure on the knee joint in a way that can cause pain and be injurious.
  • Arms should be bound to each other by holding the wrist and fingers or using a yoga strap.
  • Internally rotate the left arm as much as possible, including the collarbone.
  • Internal rotation of the front shoulder (wrapping arm) and external rotation of the back shoulder. However, overall mobility in the thoracic spine is needed.
  • Keep your spine lengthened (avoid rounding the back), chest open, and broad when in the twist.
  • Inhale, lengthen your spine, and exhale while the twist.
  • Lengthen your head and gaze over your shoulder.
  • Twists should happen from the thoracic spine, that is, the upper spine, and not from the lower part of the spine.
  • Hold the pose for 5 breaths and balance it with the other leg.

Marichyasana D and Breath

In all the Marichyasana poses, your breath will coordinate with the body’s movement. For Marichyasana D, Inhale and lengthen your spine, Exhale deeply, and twist or deepen the pose, which helps to release tension and improve flexibility. Be mindful of your breath, as it enhances and benefits the asana and promotes relaxation. Breathe will lead you deeper to a safe and proper pose. Avoid holding your breath and keep it steady.

Marichyasana D and Variations

  • In Half Marichyasana, you Bend one knee and hug it, concentrate on the twist without binding your arms.
  • Marichyasana A, twist with one leg straight, hands bound behind the back.
  • Use a block or folded blanket to sit on and for better support.
  • If you can’t bind your hands at the back, use a yoga belt to bind.


Marichyasana D is a challenging pose and requires consistency and patience to get into it correctly. This pose is good for back pain, tight hips and poor posture. Regular practice with props as needed will make this pose more accessible. Approach Marichyasana D with mindfulness and proper alignment for best results. Beginners should practice this pose under guidance of a yoga teacher. If you have any health issues consult your doctor first.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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