
Uttana Padasana or Raised Leg Pose

English Name(s)
Raised Leg Pose
उत्तानपादासन/ Uttana Padasana
oot-AHN-ah pah-DAH AHS-anna
Uttana = Raised
Pada = Legs
Asana = Pose; posture
Pose Type
Supine Yoga Poses

Uttana Padasana at a Glance

Uttana Padasana is also known as the Raised Leg Pose. This pose, Uttana Padasana in Ashtanga, is performed by arching the back, as in the Fish pose with a crown of the head on the floor, and raising the legs and arms to 45 degrees. As part of spiritual practice, this asana helps to encourage peace and ease feelings of negative emotions and benefits your mental well-being.


  • It helps to strengthen your hip and leg muscles.
  • It gives a good stretch to the arms, shoulders and elbows.
  • It improves spinal flexibility and strengthens back muscles and core.
  • It increases the blood circulation to the whole body.
  • Raised legs help to stimulate the reproductive organs.

Who can do Uttana Padasana?

Beginners can do the Uttana Padasana pose. Intermediate and advanced practitioners can do the advanced variation. People who want to improve their core strength and back muscles can do Uttana Padasana. People looking to shed some fat in their waist area can do this asana.

Who should not do it?

People with any neck or spine issues should avoid doing this. Pregnant women should not do this asana. If you have any abdomen surgery, you should avoid it. If you lack core strength, don’t do it or take the guidance of the yoga trainer. Don’t do Uttana Padasana without consulting your healthcare professional if you have health concerns.

How to Do Uttana Padasana?

Follow the Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Uttana Padasana can be done by just raising your legs, or the other advanced version is bringing your crown of the head to the floor (as in Matsyasana), arching your back and raising your arms and legs.
  2. Procedure to practice Uttana Padasana simpler version.
  3. Lie down on a yoga mat or a soft carpet on an even surface in a quiet place.
  4. Lie down on the mat on your back, keep your legs straight and together, and your arms rest on the sides of your body. Let your palms face the ground and relax.
  5. Take a deep breath, relax, and set yourself up for the Uttana Padasana.
  6. Take a deep breath and slowly see that the legs are raised 45 degrees from the ground.
  7. Your lower back should be on the floor.
  8. Breathe normally, hold this pose for 5 to 10 seconds, and feel the pressure in your legs and lower abdomen.
  9. Once you are comfortable in this pose and feel your body is flexible, you can again inhale deeply, lift your legs to 45 and 60 degrees, and hold the pose according to your physical limit.
  10. Your breath should be deep and mindful, and when you exhale, raise your legs further and keep your core engaged for better balance and stability.  
  11. When flexible, you can raise your legs to 90 degrees (toes point to the ceiling) without forcing your body.
  12. When you release the pose, exhale and slowly lower your legs to the mat, spread the legs wide, and relax in the Savasana.

What are the Benefits of Uttana Padasana?

  • It helps to reduce the extra fat in the abdominal area.
  • Uttana Padasana helps to strengthen the spinal cord and activates the whole nervous system.
  • Uttana Padasana stretches your abdominal muscles, which helps in better digestion, relieves constipation, and helps to correct disorders related to the pancreas.
  • Regular practice of the Uttana Padasana can help to cure your mild backaches or any issues of pain and stress related to the waist, buttocks, and hip joints.
  • Uttana Padasana can be helpful to people who have diabetes, constipation, and nervous weakness.
  • It helps to strengthen your thigh muscles and the quadriceps and gives intense stretch to the legs.
  • Practicing this asana can help balance your energy, the Manipura chakra (solar plexus personal power and self-esteem).
  • It improves the flexibility in the hip flexors, and including Uttana Padasana in your daily yoga routine can enhance your core strength.
  • Uttana Padasana is one of the best poses for balancing Visuddha Chakra – throat chakra.
  • This final pose relieves tension, stress, and anxiety and relaxes your body and mind.
  • You need to concentrate and be focused to maintain the balance in this pose, which helps to improve your focus and concentration in your everyday work and personal life.

Health Conditions benefits from Uttana Padasana

As with other yoga poses, Uttana Padasana has many health benefits.

  • While practicing, your Abdominal organs get a good massage and improve their functions. This helps make more digestive juices, which may increase bowel movement and help remove waste.
  • Practicing this asana may help people with varicose veins.
  • People with lower and upper body pain can practice this asana to strengthen and relieve the pain.
  • It helps to open up your chest in the advanced pose.
  • This can benefit the pelvic floor muscles in conditions like urinary incontinence or pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • People with mild stress and anxiety can help by practicing this asana.

Safety and Precautions

  • It is better to be safe to avoid injuries.
  • People with lumbar issues and abdominal surgery should avoid practicing it.
  • If you are new to yoga or have health concerns, consult your yoga trainer and health care professional for better guidance.
  • Before you start this asana, do a proper warm-up and do preparatory poses to avoid any injury.
  • If you are a beginner, start slowly and can start with one leg and gradually both legs.
  • Use props for safe practice and to feel comfortable.
  • If practicing the advanced pose (expands the rib cage and your lung capacity), see that the crown of your head rests lightly and avoid putting pressure on your neck.
  • Pregnant women in their later stages should avoid doing this asana.

Common Mistakes

  • Forcing your body to raise your legs further.
  • Avoiding props when needed.
  • Ignoring props when needed.
  • Keep your buttocks firm on your ground.
  • Not engaging your core.
  • Sudden lifting and lowering of your legs with a jerk.
  • Not respecting your physical limits.

Tips for Raised Leg Pose

  • Beginners can try with one leg first.
  • Use props under your back to support the lift during the advanced variation.
  • Engage your core to raise the legs.
  • Toes pointed upward.
  • Avoid bending the knees in advanced yoga poses.
  • Maintain the alignment for the beginner and advanced poses (crown of the head on the floor).
  • Maintain continuous breathing, and don’t hold your breath.

The Physical Alignment Principles for Raised Leg Pose

  • Lying flat on your back (supine position) and legs extended in front of you.
  • Palms facing down.
  • Engage your core while raising the legs to support your lower back.
  • Legs should be close, feet together, and toes should point upward.
  • Inhale deeply, raise your legs slowly, lift within your limits at every exhale, and raise your legs further, 45, 60, and 90 degrees.
  • Your breath should be steady and continuous throughout the pose.
  • In the advanced pose, place your crown of the head on the floor, and don’t press the head or strain your neck.
  • Arch slightly at your back gently and raise your legs within your limit.
  • Raise your arms parallel to your legs and join your palms in prayer.
  • Be mindful about your breath and the physical sensations in the body.
  • Exit gently in both poses to avoid any strain or injury to your body. Lower your legs and upper body.
  • Relax in the follow-up, Balasana, seated forward bend, or Savasana pose.

Breath and Uttana Padasana

Breathe deeply when you lie on your back and center yourself. When you inhale, raise your legs, keeping your breath gentle and steady and coordinating with your leg movements. With every exhale, raise your legs further to deepen the stretch. Focus on balance and stability for better relaxation. Coordinate your breath with the core engagement for better support to the lower back. Inhale and exhale when you lower your legs, let go of all the stressful emotions and energize your nervous system. Come to the Savasana resting pose and take deep breaths to relax.

Uttana Padasana Variations

  • Bend the legs slightly for beginners.
  • Practice initially with one leg raised pose.
  • Placing hands under your buttocks for support
  • You can do it with the prop support.
  • Advanced variation with the crown of the head on the floor and arching the back.

Take Away

Uttana Padasana pose helps strengthen the core, tones the leg muscles, and improves hip flexibility. Uttana Padasana, when practiced regularly, enhances mindfulness, relaxation, and stress reduction. For people with digestive issues, this asana can help improve digestion by massaging the abdominal organs and increasing blood flow to the digestive system. This helps to improve Emotions, patience, concentration, and a sense of balance and improves overall well-being. For any health concerns, consult your healthcare professional for guidance. Beginners can do this asana initially under the guidance of the yoga trainer.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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